Structural Design by Mind
Using pre-conscious thought for structural design. Based on the cortically-couple computer vision project of Columbia University LIINC.
Experiment Narrative
How good is our "gut" on perceiving performance? Does our day to day interaction with the physicality of the world force our brains to build sophicticated (and under-utilized) structural engineering wetware? What about experts, who think about structure in many ways, who interact with that knowledge through a variety of strategies and contexts? Are their brains different - either structurally or functionaly?
These are the questions underpinning this research into the development of a BCI-assisted structural design system. Brain computer interface allows us to look for specific neurological artifacts in the context of human activity. This projects aims to design a real-time system for structural design optimization.
Media and Downloads
Example Stimuli - Target
Example Stimuli - Distractor
Example Stimuli - Ambiguous